Monday, September 15, 2008

Just Say No to Hurricanes

So, by now, I'll assume you've heard that hurricane Ike WAS going to hit Austin, but missed us completely. I guess that's OK considering the damage it caused to the other places it hit, but Tica and I were really looking forward to the rain. Plus, if it hit us, that would have been the second time Tica was hit by Ike since she met up with him while she was in the DR last week.

So since there was no hurricane to deal with I decided to work on the side yard a bit more. Last week I rented a bob cat and my friend Steve and I dug up about 40 200 - 300 pound boulders to level out the wash area next to the side of my house. Here's a photo of the work. I'm still planning on putting a little more top soil on the dirt area you see in the picture and planting some grass seed. Tica's still not convinced that the grass seed will work - even after seeing Mom's success with it.

After the yard work, we had some friends over to the house for some arepas - a very delicious Venezuelan dish that one of our friends from work made. They were amazing! I was going to include a photo of them, but they were eaten way too quickly for any photography.

We also took the time to visit the Oasis restaurant on Lake Travis. It's a pretty cool spot that sits up on some cliffs above the lake and provides some amazing views of the sunset. In fact, you could say that it is the #1 restaurant to view sunsets in Austin.

We still had the remenants of Ike hanging around, so we didn't get to see too much of the sunset, but it was still very pretty.


peggy hyer said...

Doug and I sat by the TV wondering if we needed to rent a helicopter to come get you before the hurricane got you!! We are glad you are safe. Tica stay away from hurricane's!! Love you guys

Brandi Hyer said...

Stan, you need some help in that long have you lived there? haha JK I am just glad that you finally posted something.

RVS said...

In my defense, the dirt patch you see there isn't technically mine. It belongs to the Home Owners Association and after more than 1.5 years of requests and complaints I gave up and fixed it myself :).

Bethany said...

we did seed at our house. it worked nicely and was very cheap. yard works sucks, but it seems like you always kind of liked it. get on it!