Saturday, July 9, 2011

4th of July Milestones

This 4th of July weekend was amazing. We loved spending time with friends and family and being with Emily all day.

It is hard to believe how much she changed in just four days; here are a few of the milestones we captured:
- Starting saying mama
- Learned how to climb stairs, she has to work pretty hard since she doesn't have a lot of strength on her arms but she can do it all on her own
- Speed crawling after Millie (Videos to come)
- We can now see her bottom teeth! They're not out yet but are very very close

Cute Millie before she got tired of the stroller.

Daddy and his little princess. Emily ADORES her dad; I even got the cold shoulder today which was so sad. Cute but sad nonetheless.


peggy hyer said...

What a fun time. The pictures with Emily touching the bubbles should be in a magazine they are all so cute.

Tica said...

Thanks Peg!!