Friday, October 5, 2012

Arves' Birth Story

Sometime Friday August 24 I started to feel different contractions to the Braxton Hicks I had been getting for the last week or so. I joked with a few friends at work that I didn't think I was going to make it through the weekend.

Saturday started with painful contractions/cramping but nothing regular enough for us to worry about or change our fully packed weekend plans.

I made breakfast and we all headed rug shopping at little India. Whenever I had a contraction it made me a bit sick to my stomach and I had to put Emily down if I was carrying her. 39 weeks pregnant and I still carry my little girl. She's still my baby and I'm not ready to give that up yet!

I put Emily down for her nap and had some pretty painful contractions while singing her lullabies but once again not close enough for me to worry much about. While she was taking her nap I went shopping at Gurney Plaza and got her a baby present as well as some last minute breastfeeding supplies.

By the time I got back home Emily was awake and we were off to another Hari Raya Open house celebration at our friend Nizam's house. While at Nizam's contractions got a bit more painful and regular but I still refused to time anything until Arves started to notice I was in pain. They were about 8 mins appart at 5:30. We left Nizam's at 6:30 to hurry home and put Emily to bed so we could meet some friends for dinner. On our drive back we briefly discussed whether we should go out to dinner but I refused to go to the hospital. I thought dinner would be a nice way to keep my mind off of it all.

At dinner contractions were VERY regular. Every 6 mins so I would have to stop talking and put my head down to work through another contraction for about a minute and continue chatting away. I wasn't able to eat much but conversation definitely kept my mind off of the pain. By the time we were done with dinner contractions had jumped to 4 minutes apart and we decided to give our doctor a heads up since I was planning a water birth and they needed time to fill up the pool. We walked home from the restaurant which was about 3 blocks away working through very painful contractions. Walking felt very good though.

By the time we got home I was in a lot of pain and we knew we had to go to the hospital so we asked our friend Tim to come home since he was going to stay with Emily while we were at the hospital. As soon as we opened the door to the house Emily woke up screaming my name as if she knew I was in pain. Arves went to put her back down while I worked on packing her bag while working through more contractions. I was in so much pain that I started throwing up after each contraction. Within minutes Tim was at our house and Emily was back asleep so we rushed to the hospital. This was the longest drive of my life and sitting in the car was misserable. Once we finally made it to the hospital I kept asking for them to "GIVE ME MY DRUGS", my desire of delivering without medicine was completely forgotten; crushed by the amount of pain I was in. They checked me and said there wasn't time for any medicine or pool; I was already at 10 cm and the baby was ready to come out. The doctor just barely made it in time and the baby was out in three pushes. I delivered in less than 30 minutes of arriving to the hospital; still in the dress I came in and the doctor didn't have time to change either; my water broke as the baby was coming out ruining the doctor's shoes.

Stanley Arves Stolpe was 7 lbs and 21 inches long.
Born at 12:07AM on August 26 in Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia

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