Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Emily Visits Inks Lake - Emily Visita el Lago Inks

This post is dedicated to my dad who, despite all the frustrations of using a computer, has made an effort to check his email and even check out our blog to see his new grandaughter. Therefore I'm writing it both in Spanish and English. Love you dad!

Esta publicacion esta dedicada a mi papa, quien a pesar de todos los problemas que tiene con la computadora, ha hecho el esfuerzo de revisar su email y hasta aprendio como ver el blog, todo con tal de disfrutar a su nueva nieta. Asi que la publicacion esta escrita en Ingles y Espanol. Te adoro papito!

At barely a week old we decided to take Emily to Inks Lake for some family pictures. It was cold outside so we had to time it just right or Emily would start complaining about the cold, just like mama she doesn't do well with the cold air, I'm sure it's the half dominican blood in her.

Con poco mas de una semana de nacida, decidimos llevar a Emily a uno de los parques de Austin llamado Lago Inks para tomar fotos. Ese dia hacia mucho frio asi que teniamos que posicionar a Emily para la foto y rapidamante tomar la foto antes de que Emily comenzara a llorar. Al parecer a Emily no le va a gustar mucho el frio como a su mama; debe ser la sangre dominicana dominando.

Here are a few of Emily's many faces. Arves and I could stare at that little face all day long!

Aqui estan varias de las caritas que hace mi ni~a. Arves y yo podemos pasarnos todo el dia velandole el sue~o y viendo su carita!

Abuela Mechi was still in town and we got a few shots of the two of them.

Abuela Mechi todavia estaba con nosotros y pudimos tomar varias fotos de Emily con su abuela.

Proud mom and dad

Padres orgullosos

Three generations

Tres generaciones

Thank you mom for all your help. It made the adjustment to our new lifes a lot more enjoyable. Love you.

Mamita gracias por toda tu ayuda. Tenerte con nosotros nos ayudo a disfrutar los cambios de tener a Emily en nuestras vida. Te adoro.


peggy hyer said...

Frist of all, Tica you are beautiful as always. Emily is adorable . Thanks for posting pictures. So happy for you guys.

Tica said...

Thank you Peg! After the first two weeks of adjustment things are actually going really well. We love having Emily and couldn't be happier. Love you guys and hope she can meet the rest of the Hyers soon!

Tommy, Laura, Kaleb & Kami said...

!Muy Bonita! :)

Stacia said...

She is beautiful!! Congratulations to you and Arves. =>