Thursday, May 10, 2012

Langkawi Recap

Where do we go from here?

Part of our excitement for being on this side of the world is to take advantage of traveling and visiting as many places as we can.

Our first adventure was at the end of March. We visited a small tourist island called Langkawi which is about 45 mins away from Penang. Overall the trip was a great success and we got to relax by the pool, the beach, and some swings that Emily couldn't get enough of.

This small trip also helped us realize all the challenges of traveling with a toddler. The food, nap schedule, bed time routines, everything changes as much as we try not to. This obviously makes the little ones cranky which makes the whole experience a bit of a challenge some times. We enjoyed all the great moments and learned a lot for future trips to come.

My highlights were:
- Evening at an indian restaurant. The food was amazing and the sunset turned everything a beautiful orange tone. Emily did great and we all loved it.

- Wild life park. They have this mini zoo that allows you to pet and feed the animals. It was a bit of a drive from where we were staying but well worth it. Emily loved feeding the birds, parrots, but especially the white raccoons! This girl is fearless!
- Playing in the water

The beautiful frowny look that we often get from Emily.

Emily and Mami doing like a gorilla
Arves' Artistic Side. Gardens in our hotel
Waiting for my food people
Emily's favorite friend
Despite being a bit hesitant at first Emily LOVED playing in the sand. She just had to be reminded how fun it could be.

Lunch at an Iranian restaurant
 Mami and Emily running around the hotel grounds playing catch me.

My problem with having a good camera is that we end up taking way too many pictures and then I can't decide which ones to post. I have placed the rest of our Langkawi trip on Picasa so feel free to check them out.

Familia - Pegen todo lo que esta abajo para que puedan ver todas las otras fotos o pueden hacer click aqui

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