Sunday, November 25, 2007

It Just Dawned on Me . . . I live in TEXAS!!!

Okay, I've finally realized that I can no longer live in denial. Texas is a strange place - and I live there. For instance, I've never heard of a "California Size" upgrade at a fast food restaurant where they give you a Styrofoam cup the size of a small dog, but I have "Texas Sized it" a time or two in the past few years without even blinking. I thought it strange, but hey, it's Texas - you expect some of that type of thing here. However, living in Austin has really sheltered and limited my Texas experience I'm realizing.

I would never have believed that just an hour from my home is a Texas town where camouflage is the new black; where 50 year old women at fast food restaurants will not only ask you if you'd like that "Texas Sized for only 85 cents more", but will share the most intimate details about the customer beside you; and where you can find "do-it-yer-self" waffles in the shape of the great state of Texas. Tica and I laughed so hard when we found the waffle maker above at a hotel we had stopped at. You don't find that type of thing much in Austin - I guess we've lived a sheltered Texas existence.

The experience and the waffles were delicious though!

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